19. October 2022

Green Power Bowl

Wanna fuel yourself with fresh veggies? Discover our Green Power Bowl with our Every. Green Boost bowl and some delicious fresh vegetables. The perfect lunch or meal prep.

Green Power Bowl
Every. Green Boost, 1 avocado, 2 handful spinach, 1 lemon, 160 g couscous, 1 handful almonds, 2 tbsp olive oil


Prepare the couscous as per package directions. Peel, pit and slice the avocado; chop the almonds. Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a pan and prepare the Green Boost Bowl in it.




Divide between two bowls, arrange with couscous, avocado and spinach and garnish with the chopped almonds. Quarter the lemon and serve with it. If desired, drizzle 1 tablespoon of olive oil over the bowl.




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